Monday, June 13, 2016

Indian real estate: 2015 in review and gazing into 2016

Today, the world sees India as a land of opportunity for business and investment. RBI head Raghuram Rajan said in mid-September that while fellow BRICs have deep problems, India appears to be an island of relative calm in an ocean of turmoil. This scenario continues; as per recent government data, economic growth reached 7.4% in the second quarter of the current financial year, riding on a spike in manufacturing and a pickup in investment demand. Globally positioning India as an investment destination and improving India’s diplomatic and trade relation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign jaunts have helped India attract more FDI. From the nations he visited during the financial year 2014-15, India received FDI of USD 19.78 billion. Moreover, foreign direct investment (FDI) in India increased by 27% in 2014-15 to USD 30.93 billion. In other fronts as well, it is time to retrospect on how 2015 was for the real estate sector, and to crystal-gaze into 2016. Commercial real estate India’s office space absorption during 2015 stood at 35 million sq ft – the second-highest figure in the country’s history after 2011. The demand for office space in 2011 came from occupiers taking advantage of low rents after the global financial crisis. This time, however, it was the result of corporates implementing their growth plans. While pan-India vacancy still stands at 16%, realistic vacancy actually stands around 8-9% - the total vacant supply is not always relevant for corporate occupiers. This is because most of them do not consider Grade-A buildings that are strata-sold or located in areas with inherent disadvantages and connectivity issues, or have been vacated from recent occupier exits and no longer match Grade-A requirements. Cities such as Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai have a vacancy rate of just 5-10%, prompting the need for fresh supply to meet growing demand. Developers have been shying away from commercial projects because, though land and construction costs have been rising, rents have not reached a point where developers can get about 20% IRR. However, as rents climb faster, developers will start constructing - at least in the good markets. Rents rose across Indian cities in 2015. The pace was faster in the secondary business districts (SBDs) and certain peripheral business districts (PBDs) of tier-I cities than in the established central business districts (CBDs). The micro-markets seeing more leasing activity in different cities in 2015 will continue to see action in 2016, while lesser-preferred locations will see a higher vacancy rate. As and when supply dries up and vacancy drops further, occupiers will start taking up spaces in these locations, as well. In 2015, office space demand was mainly driven by IT/ ITeS, e-commerce, start-ups and large consulting firms. Players in many other sectors like FMCG, BFSI (front office), manufacturing, telecom and pharma did not come into the market - however, this should happen in 2016 and 2017. Next year will also see demand for built-to-suit (BTS) properties, especially from the larger IT occupiers. While the absorption in 2015 is similar to 2011, it is distributed across new and old buildings; previously, it was largely in newly completed buildings. Demand will remain consistent over most of 2016, with occupiers showing a positive bias. Given the low supply and continued demand for commercial spaces, corporate occupiers will continue to firm up their expansion plans. While 2016 will bring continued demand for leased spaces, quality supply will be lower. This means that unmet demand will reflect in higher occupancy of Grade-B office spaces. After the opening up of real estate sector to FDI, the profile of developers, as well as ownership patterns, will start changing. This will lead to a drop of ownership requirements by Indian developers and a rise in ownership by PE funds and MNC developers.

Real estate capital markets 2015 has been an interesting year for capital market activities in real estate. While the PE focus continued to remain high on residential and office projects, entity-level investments and platform-level deals also came into the limelight, indicating increase in investor confidence. In terms of asset focus, residential projects attracted a considerable share of funding; however, equity investment in this space is still insignificant. Income-yielding office projects attracted a majority of equity investments. In terms of the geographical spread, focus was restricted to tier-I cities with NCR, Mumbai and Bangalore attracting a majority of investments (73%); reflecting learnings from past experience.

While residential and office will continue to attract a majority of investments in 2016, retail is expected to start seeing better traction. Investors will remain focused on the top seven cities. Over the past few months, we have already seen interest from Chinese and Japanese investors to bring long-term money to India next year. Overall, the stage is set for a superlative show next year. In fact, 2016 may well bring the kind of investment activities that were seen in 2007 - the previous peak year which saw investments of more than USD 8 billion into Indian real estate.

Residential real estate 2015 did not bring the hoped-for growth in residential real estate. However, the silver lining is that the bad days seem to have bottomed out; sales have picked up in a few cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. Launches have reduced in cities like Mumbai, slightly lowering the inventory. Developers’ initiatives like offering attractive schemes and deal terms, coupled with lowering of interest rates by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), have activated fence-sitters.

The challenges of demand-supply mismatch and high unsold inventory across the country remain, but the signs are nevertheless encouraging - cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad are slowly but surely crawling back to positive growth. 2016 may well bring an end to the long and painful journey this sector has had, and signal an upward growth trajectory. It will definitely mature further into an organised industry in which some lesser-organised players become casualties.

Retail real estate The year 2015 saw hardly any quality retail space come in. Apart from that, the two big trends observed were: 1.Consolidation of retail real estate by brands and retailers who focused on their profit-making stores and closed down loss-making ones, and 2.The entry of institutional investors. Thanks to relaxation of sourcing norms, single-brand retail companies will find more reason to explore the Indian market and also be able to undertake e-commerce business independently. In 2016, more mature investors will come in and buy built-up retail spaces. Once they have the relevant experience and foothold in India, they will start investing in ‘greenfield’ assets. Retailers are maturing as competition heats with the entry of bigger brands into the country. Stronger players will successfully attract private equity (PE) investments over the coming years. PE may also go into select mall investments, especially in under-represented markets or for mature assets’ buyout. Quality mall space is coming up with strong pre-commitments, indicating that retailers remain bullish about India’s long-term consumption story. Retailers will start experimenting with formats and sizes for the same brands, adapting to markets as they start moving up the value chain. 2015 saw food and beverage (F&B) emerge as a strong category, and this will continue in 2016. Entertainment options will also improve, and technology-led retail will start entering in the single-brand retail store category. However, 2016 will see a continued dearth of quality retail spaces. Retailers will have to revisit their real estate strategy and have a flexible approach, customised to different micro-markets. Investments by both home-grown and international brands will strengthen in tier-II and tier-III markets as they expand beyond tier-I cities.

Industrial & warehousing 2015 saw the wheels in motion for the industrial / manufacturing sector to get seriously rolling in 2016. Under the ‘Make in India’ programme, states can come up with advanced policies, which will help them fuel their industrial growth. Maharashtra, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh have historically been front-runners in attracting industrial investments. Under the ‘Make in India’ initiative, states like Punjab, Haryana and Karnataka are also taking bold steps towards better industrial policies. Online, time-bound approvals are expected to further improve the ease of doing business in India. The warehousing sector is reaching an inflection point and will take a huge leap forward once the goods and services tax (GST) is rolled out next year. Apart from GST, e-commerce is expected to significantly drive the demand for warehouses in India in the near future. With nearly 25% of all warehousing absorption being driven by e-commerce players, it is currently the biggest demand driver for the sector. This industry is expected to invest an additional USD 2-3 billion into warehousing over the next 2-3 years. Indian warehousing is seeing a higher supply of organised Grade-A and B warehouses than in the past. In 2015, the cumulative warehousing supply (Grade-A and B) across eight Indian cities stood at around 97 million sq ft, as against 79 million sq ft last year. This supply is expected to reach 116 million sq ft in 2016. With industrial corridors like Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor (DMIC) and the expansion and improvement of road network, things are indeed looking up for the industrial and warehousing sectors.

Hospitality India’s hotel real estate sector landscape is evolving from being largely development-driven to becoming more transaction-driven. Early signs of improvement in hotel operating performances seen in 2015 – following a six-year period of intense economic downward pressures exacerbated by steady hotel supply increases – have rendered the hotel real estate market ripe for acquisition and consolidation. 2015 alone saw nine hotel transactions (excluding partial equity stake buyouts or refinance) equal to the combined number seen in the last two years. Most of these were in the luxury and upscale hotel segments - a major change from previous years. Another key highlight of year 2015 was the transaction of eight operational hotels (nearly twice the number of 2012, the next-highest year.) The year 2015 stands out due to the nature of deals recorded. The year 2016 is expected to carry on from the momentum garnered in the year 2015 predicated on the U-shaped recovery in the economy and the current state of the hotel sector. Healthcare & education The education and healthcare sectors in India are presently facing a huge shortfall of supply which may soon be met by various international and national players. This will boost the growth of relevant real estate in the time to come. Growing and emerging residential nodes will enable growth in the healthcare and education sectors, with downstream investments likely come into both sectors from domestic as well as international players. The education industry, which crossed USD 70 billion by 2015, will require an additional 16 million sq ft of relevant real estate in the next four years. It is poised to see major growth in the future, as India will have the world’s largest population in the 18-24 age group and second-largest graduate talent pipeline globally by the end of 2020. 2016 is likely to bring various new transactions in the education space across the country, primarily related to elementary and K12 schools, and technical institutes. The healthcare sector is expected to nearly double in value from the current USD 144 billion to USD 280 billion by 2020. More than 150 hospitals could start operations in the next four years, and this will by itself account for about 22.5 million square feet (i.e. 45,000-50,000 beds) of healthcare-related real estate. Currently, the bed-to-population ratio in India is 0.9 beds per thousand populations, which is way below the global standards of 4.0 beds per thousand population. India requires 600,000 to 700,000 additional beds over the next 5-6 years to meet the demand for healthcare facilities, apart from improvement in quality of existing beds. Given this demand for capital, the number of transactions in the healthcare space is expected to witness an increase in near future. Regulatory framework A lot of groundwork has been done with the central government’s initiatives: •Once ‘Housing for All by 2022’, the Smart Cities mission, Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), etc. begin to roll in earnest, we will see significantly heightened activity in infrastructure and related sectors. •Norms for FDI in the real estate sector have been eased. The government has relaxed FDI norms in 15 sectors including real estate, defence, single-brand retail, construction development and civil aviation. Under these new rules, non-repatriable investments by NRIs as also PIOs will be treated as domestic investments and not be subject to foreign direct investment caps. •In order to attract larger investments which are only possible through incorporated entities, the special dispensation of NRIs has now been also extended to companies, trusts and partnership firms which are incorporated outside India and owned and controlled by NRIs. Henceforth, such entities owned and controlled by NRIs will be treated at par with NRIs for investment in India. •Licensing norms have been relaxed in states like Haryana, which will help release land for affordable housing. Currently, unavailability of land is the biggest challenge to affordable housing. •The Indian Parliament is likely to pass the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill soon. This will bring efficiency, transparency and accountability into the real estate sector, as will the introduction of new financing instruments that have immense potential to improve India’s transparency. •Despite REITs opening up late last year, not a single REIT got listed in 2015. In the current real estate taxation environment, there are not enough attractive returns available retail investors. However, 2016 may see some REITs to get launched on the back of reduced interest rates and rise in rental income from office real estate. Looking forward India is an underserved economy in terms of real estate requirements. There is a wedge between demand and supply of housing, largely as a result of information asymmetry. However, with increased market transparency, this demand/supply mismatch can offer immense opportunities for developers and investors alike. The real estate industry is maturing. Until 2014, it was unregulated, fragmented and highly inefficient. Though 2016 will bring in regulation, it will remain fragmented and moderately inefficient. We could see it become a well-regulated, consolidated and moderately efficient industry by around 2020. Growth in the Indian economy will definitely see favourable reflection in the real estate sector, as well.
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Monday, June 6, 2016

Journey Beyond Threeseas


Three seas Infologics  Private Limited is a young vibrant company who has headquarters in Ashirwad Building, Pazhaya Road, Medical College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.  Three seas Infologics also has office in Technopark, at 7 Th Floor, Thejaswini Building, Phase I Campus, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.  Threeseas Infologics was started in 2013 by Shair Esmail, CEO.  The director is Saed Abbu Khan and Director is Shajeel Esmail.  Threeseas is a global leader in technology, and outsourcing and next-generation services. We provide operations with strategic insights on what lies ahead. We help enterprises transform and shine in a changing world through strategic consulting & operational leadership.
Agile Methodology: Our development methodology is built on a value-driven approach of iterative and incremental method. The combination of both is applied in managing the design and building activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects. The project is carried out in a highly flexible and interactive manner relying heavily on intensive communication, frequent releases using the release-early-release-often principle supported by a flexible software development team.
Adaptive Methodology:   We promote the adaptive project life cycle, also known as change-driven life cycle, which intends to facilitate change and requires a high degree of ongoing stakeholder involvement. Adaptive life cycles are also iterative and incremental but differ in iterations. In this model iterations are very rapid (usually 2-4 weeks in length) and are fixed in time and resources.
We are creative designer & developer, Our company deliberate in website designing, website development, Software development and all types of design and web allied work. In digital age, website is obviously the most influential marketing tool at endorsement. Projection regularly look up websites before making decisions and one glance at the website, which qualifies you as either reliable or restrained. Most of the time, design studio are the untrumpeted heroes behind most of these great production. Our group of passionate designers and developers understand exactly what the client needs. Not only their works are source of inspiration for many designers, they are also trend setters. We Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. understand the business aid of having a well-designed website and are rigged to help you. Our expertise in designing digital assets span since 2014 across all major platforms like HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Apache, NGINX, JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby On Rails, Python, iOS, Drupal, WordPress, Boot Strap and Magento. Having a purposefully and artistically designed website is the heart of success for your online presence. We afford shape with meaning. Our team is highly experienced in developing segment foremost designs with device friendly approachable feature making the website adequately presented irrespective of the device used to view it.
Product real estate website of Kerala powered by Three Seas Infologics Pvt Ltd mainly focused on the satisfaction of customers. We offers map based services, complete pictures and video of properties,completely verified property details., the leading real estate and rental marketplace dedicated to empowering customers with data, inspiration and knowledge around the place we call home, and connecting with the best customer support who can help. serves the people as leading real estate portal in a home: buying, selling, renting, financing.
IT Enabled Services:  threeseas has in-depth experience in today’s most prominent and effective technologies, and we understand how IT systems impact your business operations. threeseas can set your company on a platform to excel with honest and strong IT support, tailored to your specific business needs.threeseas offers flexible, customizable hourly support packages for all your IT needs. Interfacing with vendors, training staff on applications, consulting and designing solutions, repairing workstations and servers, restoring lost files – anything you would want your IT staff to handle, we handle. Simply put, you spend less time wondering what’s covered, and more time running your business.
Web Development:  Three Seas Infologics Pvt Ltd, a competent Web Development Company in India, is also known as the most righteous offshore company in India.Three Seas has conceive a slot for itself in the global Website market not only because of its framework but also for its timely consignment and client backing.We haughtily say that our great prominence and determined conviction is the finest aid for us. By integrating the latest technologies of web development, web designing and web promotion, with the stipulation of target audiences and cost shortening techniques, Three Seas is in a position to lien supremecy in web developing company.
We have creative designer & developer, Our company deliberate in website designing, website development, Software development and all types of design and web allied work. In digital age, website is obviously the most influential marketing tool at endorsement. Projection regularly look up websites before making decisions and one glance at the website, which qualifies you as either reliable or restrained. Most of the time, design studio are the untrumpeted heroes behind most of these great production. Our group of passionate designers and developers understand exactly what the client needs. Not only their works are source of inspiration for many designers, they are also trend setters. We Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. understand the business aid of having a well-designed website and are rigged to help you. Our expertise in designing digital assets span since 2014 across all major platforms like HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Apache, NGINX, JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby On Rails, Python, iOS, Drupal, WordPress, Boot Strap and Magento. Having a purposefully and artistically designed website is the heart of success for your online presence. We afford shape with meaning. Our team is highly experienced in developing segment foremost designs with device friendly approachable feature making the website adequately presented irrespective of the device used to view it.
Mobile Application Development: Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. is a mobile content provider, offering a diverse range of mobile applications. Mobile apps make running a business more favorable and it will be not wrong to say that business have hoisted not only their efficiency but also their profits with the ideal utilization of these apps. Beyond many other advantages of apps, staying in touch via phone to your clients, customers and competitors is one of the major aspects which have indulged business into these apps. And this is really good for the business because cost of linking with the clients or customers have been greatly diminished for them with increase in profits. If we talk about the personal use of these apps, definitely mobile apps have a great bang on an individual’s personal life as well. All the manual or analog tasks which were being done on paper and thick books since a long time are replaced with these handy apps right within a couple of years. And not only just replaced but also have made an individual more organized and scheduled. Daily to-do list, scientific calculators, BMI calculators and other unbelievable apps such as mind sensors, battery charging apps etc are the most extensively used apps by the individuals. We custom design and develop revolutionary branded mobile applications for clients across multiple platforms including Android, iOS, Tizen and Windows RT. Genres include but are not limited to utilities, productivity tools, infotainment and games.
Web Hosting:  Three seas infologics provide a transparent support to our web hosting clients. Our customer care services are active 24/7. Our Web Hosting offers many different types of hosting options. No matter the size of your project, we have a web hosting package that is sure to fit your needs. Fully Redundant Network,Free One Click Script Installs,Regular Backups. Simple to add, update, manage, and transfer all your domains in a central place.We handle the entire migration from your existing host. Our team works hard to ensure a worry-free transfer with no downtime. Both FTP & SFTP access is available on all web hosting plans for simple secure access to your website.Our expertise in designing digital assets span across all major platforms like HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Apache, NGINX, JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby On Rails, Python, iOS, Drupal, WordPress, Boot Strap and Magento.
A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients
  • DedicatedServers
    A dedicated server is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone else. This is more flexible than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server.
  • Virtual Hosting
Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names on a single server. This allows one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles
  • VPS
    A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on that OS. For many purposes they are functionally equivalent to a dedicated physical server, and being software-defined, are able to be much more easily created and configured
Graphic Design:  Exceptional graphic design is about setup an impact and obtaining a response from the work created, whether this is to transmit a message or influence a potential client. It involves perceptive colours, fonts, layout, imagery, branding, composition and more.At Three Seas we know the relevance and outcome that strong graphic design can have and we use this expertise in the creation of business cards, stationery, flyers, brochures, magazine & newspaper ads, exhibition stands and more.We realize people will make a judgement on your company from your publicity material and recognize this can make the diversity between gaining a new customer or losing one.
We make sure the graphic design work we produce for you not only looks professional and has the impact you require, but that connected with your company branding so that you project a unified, consistent front for your company. Whatever your needs in the world of graphic design we can bid you a solution.
We recognize many companies have bound in-house marketing services, for these companies our involvement can help make brochure and catalog designing easier.Logo, Copy and Photography is what we wish to get initiated on your sell sheets or sales brochure. We can avail what you have, reckon to it or easily start at the beginning with a bit by bit scrutiny that will stroll us through the features and benefits of your products and services. And best of all we bring about this at a fair cost because we have design, copy writing, and photography in-house.
Our several years of experience means your project hits right-on-target and on time. So give us a call or use our online request and see how quick and easy it is to get your business ace, catalog design or brochure design project finished.
Looking for an exciting logo design to ‘smash’ customers? Well, the highly- artistic logo designers at Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. are ahead of you to generate you the ideal proposal. Just, launch a logo design project and you’ll get heaps of astonishing logo designs.Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. offers economical and customized corporate Logo designing and development services that outfit your every need with no additional hidden costs. Whether you own a small, mid-sized or large company, having a professional logo is the best investment for your business.With Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. you can encounter professional and international standards of logos. The lineup at Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. is highly veteran and proficient who have successfully completed class logos. Three Seas Infologics (P) Ltd. will generate distinctively tailored projects for corporations that will manifest your business and professional image. When efficient marketing is in place, we can get hold of more profit for you. Feel free to check out our services.
As technology becomes more and more rife, some professionals believe that paper business cards are erstwhile. But that’s not true, particularly in the international business world. If you do not have a business card, gear up. Then take the time to gain knowledge of business card decorum before you do business internationally.
For a professional methodology a business card is a more adapted system of networking than telling someone your landmark, contact number, email or website address. It’s an easy way to keep track of your contact information. In addition, a business card confers the opportunity to get creative. Your LinkedIn, Facebook and other social networking pages most likely look the same as everyone else’s at first glance, since the format, font and color are the same. But with a business card, you can choose the design, font type and colors. Likewise, most people still anticipate you to hand them a card at business functions.
PR Works:  Whatsoever your brand or courtesy, there is a story behind it stick around to be disclosed.
As humans, we assume in a fictive structure, and so do your clients.Let them listen what you have to essay by reconstruct verse into an animated video.Explained videos reckon on story narration to support you influence your target audience and transmit your business’s assessment premise.


Every explainer video stance a cluster of mob.Initially we observe to your demands and analyze your desire.Later we write up a story which bout your company profile.Then we design the graphics and score stuffs rousing.There is no one markings or one technique that adapted the masses.We stint closely with you to boast your solitary company style.


Feasibily you have to assure your business associates of the benefits of an explanatory video.Simply padding out our blunt and send it to us.Within couple of days we will adapt a free booklet with ,a storyboard,a screenplay, the concept art, and an approximated schedule.


In basic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.
Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long, sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. While the Internet is, possibly, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing, others include wireless text messaging, mobile instant messaging, mobile apps, electronic billboards, digital television and radio channels, etc.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective online business tools you can ever experience. Our SEO service ensures the top results which will be a new start for your business in online industry. Search Engine Optimization makes a business website visible and reachable to the search engines. It helps you gain more visitors as well as business through your website. Our SEO process starts by making your website to SEO standard. This process will vary according to the current status and standard of your website. An SEO friendly website can only gain the best SEO results through the process. Our R&D and Back link helps one of the fast growing data puller companies in kerala promising you the very best SEO service with affordable packages.

Data Puller:  It’s the information owned by company, obtained and processed through new techniques to produce value in the best way possible. We act as the top most data puller in the current scenario. is of course a golden feather to Threeseas Infologics.  The fact that is competent in the internet market is its advantage of large amount of customers.

Written by Densil N
The author works with and is a well known writer and blogger.